Monday, March 15, 2010

spring break

i apologize to my readers and to myself for taking a week off from writing. i could easily blame it on the season--spring break season--where most everyone around my age is taking off for a tropical cruise, the coast, or some other destination to take their minds off of school. maybe it got in my head that i wanted/deserved/yearned for a week off from "the daily grind" as well. but that's a lie, because my lifestyle of waitressing and playing volleyball is exactly what i want it to be right now. the truth is that i have started to put unnecessary pressure on how i write and what i write about again, which always yields the same result: blank pages. well, spring break is over. i'm back, baby, i'm back.

and what a perfect day to be writing again since two months from today marks the beginning of my cross-country road-trip with my three good friends.
we still have all the details to work out but we have found common ground on our desire to stop in louisiana, have texan barbecue, and see the grand canyon. soooo basically we have nothing figured out.

another reason why today, the fifteenth of march, is a pretty keen day is because my bridesmaid dress arrived at my front steps this morning. as i struggled to pry apart the wrapping, my parents and i prepared for the end because the dress was packaged more like a bomb than a dress. at the very least we were expecting that somewhere between shanghai and north carolina someone had mistaken my package for a sizable amount of cocaine. after finally relenting to the all-mighty scissor, a green gown emerged from within the paper and plastic cocoon. phew. tonight i will try on the thing and prepare myself for a sizable bill in alterations. now i just need shoes and a flight to california and i will actually be a part of this wedding (bride-to-be, i hope you aren't reading this...).


  1. HAHAHAHA! am i f-ed because I still haven't heard any word on my bridesmaid dress?

  2. dangerously close to being f-ed...
    i'm also very curious to see how your dress fits because mine increases my bust size exponentially. like i swear i haven't gotten implants.
