Monday, October 19, 2009

home alone

my monday:

8:30 a.m. wake-up (extremely groggy) to the sound of my cat, logan, creating noise with some loose papers in another successful attempt to get me up and take him outside.
8:32 a.m. return to bed and sleep for another hour or so.
9:25 a.m. wake-up (again)...feeling particularly hungry this time. go downstairs and turn on regis and kelly. ground coffee beans, fix myself some strawberries and toast, and search frantically for the coffee filter.
9:45 a.m. drag my discouraged and head-achy self to the garage to feed our dog, toby. take toby outside for a quick walk to the mailbox and back. he barks at every moving object and pulls hard on the leash (some things never change). take our neighbors paper on my way back to the house (surely they must be out of town).
10:00 a.m. watch music videos while reading the morning paper. call parents. dad takes me through how to use the coffee maker.
11:00 a.m. gilmore girls. coffee is weak - i definitely screwed something up.
12:00 p.m. change into workout clothes. proceed to partake in lazy cereal consumption: a bowl of cereal without the milk, spoon, or bowl. head out.
12:15 p.m. walk a nearby 3-mile trail...lose myself in a marathon of daydreams...i'm competing in a professional beach volleyball match, i'm leading an exercise class in southern california, i'm hosting saturday night live...
1:15 p.m. shop for some groceries.
2:30 p.m. return home and feed toby some lunch. go out on the back porch and read the thanksgiving issue of martha stewart living. ear-tag some recipes i'd like to try (homemade pumpkin-pie spice and cinnamon custard pie!).
3:45 p.m. prepare all the ingredients and kitchen tools necessary for baking a highly-anticipated apple granola recipe, courtesy of . start the process of peeling, coring, and slicing 3 lbs of apples while taking an unusual interest in the oprah show (this is when i really started to feel like miss susie homemaker).
4:30 p.m. slide my creation in the oven and wait. check my favorite blogs on the computer and (i can't believe i'm admitting this...) begin watching another episode of gilmore girls.
5:15 p.m. enjoy my dinner...or should i say breakfast? relish in my ability to be domestic when i want to be.
6:00 - 7:30 p.m. basically do nothing but fool around on the computer and make a list of all the people i really should call in the near future.
7:30 p.m. catch the last few innings of the yankees vs. angels playoff game. watch house.
9:30 p.m. take a hot shower. put the animals to sleep. crawl into bed, switch on pandora radio, and begin typing...

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