Wednesday, December 2, 2009


i have this list. a list of all the things i would like to blog about (did i just become one of those people who uses "blog" as a verb?). and, of course, my list is categorized. categorized according to levels of urgency. some of my thoughts are written under "get off my chest this week" while others can be postponed until sometime "in the near future". despite my efforts, i've been absolutely horrible at following this time table because new events keep popping up, out of turn so to speak. like this afternoon, when my dad couldn't remember where he put his shoes to dry and then pulled them out of the oven. or earlier in the day, when i learned that even having a conversation about something as innocuous as coffee at work inevitably turns into some sexual innuendo (my co-worker seems to think that decaf coffee is like masturbation...why not go out and get the real thing?). so then i have to decide whether to stick to my schedule or write about the things that are more fresh in my mind. hence, the "fresh" category, one that can only exist in my head, never on paper.

today's freshness...

i think that my inability to stick to a pre-arranged schedule is just another reminder that plans are destined to change. the world is not going to just sit back and make sure all our daily lives are followed according to plan. in fact, i think the world is doing everything in its power to screw up our plans. it took me a very long time to realize this phenomenon. i used to believe that if i planned i would be prepared and successful. ask my friends and teammates from college and they will tell you that i planned my ass off. in fact, i planned so much it often pissed them off...took the spontaneity out of things i suppose. only recently have i come to the actualization that the secret to being prepared and successful is not merely planning, but adapting. adapting to what life throws at us...because change is inevitable.

so if you must make a plan, plan for that plan to change. because it will. and if you can adapt without feeling resentment toward others or the world, you'll be much better off than i have been in the past.

oh, and keep it fresh. no one likes a stale idea.

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