we finally, FINALLY went strawberry picking. after missing our chance season after season, my mom and i stumbled upon a beautiful farm not fifteen minutes from our front porch steps. an older lady greeted us with bright red baskets and guided us to a few rows among the strawberry field. and then we knelt down--our knees resting on the soft dirt beneath us--and proceeded to pick one strawberry after another (with a little tasting in between i must admit) until our baskets were overflowing with juicy goodness. it felt so damn good to cut the middle man right out of the picture. we paid a mere 12.50 for all our loot (and that's my new hat by the way making a cameo appearance). as the lady was transferring our strawberries from basket to box, her son, who owns and farms the land, was talking with a gentlemen who had just driven up in his truck. the gentlemen wanted some strawberries, and the farmer replied, "i can just go pick a basket right here quick."
right here quick.
and then i watched him walk away, basket in hand, and my mind drifted...i considered his rugged jeans, tear in his t-shirt, and tan face with that wholesome grin and thought to myself, "could i ever marry this man?" yes, i actually asked myself that question. like could i imagine being happy for the rest of my life married to a farmer. could i? i don't know. maybe the strawberries just got to me. and the sun. yeah, it must've
been the sun.

but anyhow, i'll be seeing a lot more of the sun this weekend because i'll be in hilton head, south carolina, competing in a tournament. i'm (almost) all packed and ready to go meet the rest of the gang for the five-hour drive. bananas. peanut butter. sunglasses. towel. business suit (er, bathing suit). these items must always make it into the bag. and this weekend, i'm pretty sure some strawberries will be making it as well.
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