while i was more into reading the adventures of peter rabbit as a child, my older brother was dreamy about the little engine that could. this classic children's story taught the values of hard work and optimism by way of a little blue engine that--by definition--could! when other engines were unwilling to help pull a long train over difficult terrain to reach it's destination, in came the little blue engine who was willing to try the impossible task--all the while repeating the mantra "i think i can, i think i can". what you end up with is a heartwarming, inspirational tale about simply trying in the face of your obstacles and never giving up.
what triggered these childhood memories was an article i came across in the news & observer entitled, "web viewers warm up to frozen food show". the article spotlights a working father who has turned his video blog, freezerburns.com, into a site that attracts about 55,000 people monthly. when he started the site a year and a half ago, he says he didn't know whether anyone would want to watch his online video reviews of frozen food. well, people do, and now he has major food companies like kraft and conagra shipping him complimentary boxes of frozen food. maybe he will have a television show in the future...who knows. but what i do know is that this story gives me hope that perhaps one day theboomeranger could attract such an audience. i would be lying if i said that my aim wasn't to reach more people through this blog and bring more attention towards the hilarious and dysfunctional life of the modern-day boomeranger.
the article is dead-on when it says that the-little-blog-that-could is one of those internet dreams: "take a hobby, write about it online, get admiring followers, attract advertisers, and dump the 9-to-5 routine." it goes on to say that the success of even a few (stuffwhitepeoplelike.com, the new york foodie who cooked her way through julia child's mastering the art of french cooking) can keep the dream alive.
well, my dream is very much alive, but i still struggle with making my site stand out among millions and connecting with readers who are going through the same shit i am. i guess those are my obstacles.
i think i can, i think i can.
I'm an admiring follower Trink! love you!