i’m in that rare yet familiar mood again. a mood where the fast pace of life seems to slow down just for me. the kind of mood where i let myself indulge in an almond croissant with nutella as a side dish without feeling any of the guilt. the kind of mood that provokes me to jot down intriguing tidbits i come across in magazines, like the international sweets & bisquits tour, for future reference—you know, in case i find myself in sweden for the next event. but hey, that’s just how optimistic i am when i’m in this mood. maybe you, too, find yourself in this uplifting, calm, “i can do anything” state of mind sometimes?
well, for your sake, i hope you do experience it, because it feels fantastic. having left all my obligations and household tension back in north carolina probably triggered it. how could i not feel good when the person picking me up from the san fransisco airport is my sister? and did i mention her new car has heated passenger seats? and how about the fact that today kicks off my reunion with some of my favorite people in this world?
i think i’ll take a stroll down university avenue…my old stomping grounds. past the pizza joint on the corner where an invitation on a friday night would peg you as one of the popular kids. past the starbucks where my friends and i would go during high school breaks (i felt so cool walking around with my off-campus purchased beverage)…past the borders bookstore where i had my very first “job” wrapping people’s christmas presents. everyone has their memory lane.
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