alright, complete strangers.

it's going to be a rough afternoon, as you can tell.
to update you, my california trip is now on the downhill--meaning i have crossed the half-way marker and am thus dangerously close to hopping on a plane once again. i'll have a lot to muddle over on that red-eye flight...for one thing, my friend from high school is now a wife. she has a "mrs." in front of her name. she threw a bouquet. she said "i do". holy shit.
there are several important conversations that must take place this upcoming week, including the one where i tell my manager that i will be leaving the restaurant in a month. all the conversations (and questions) revolve around my summer plans. it's freaking me out. will i drive my car to california or leave it in north carolina? will we find a decent place to live? will i be able to manage rent, food, gas, and other basic yet essential costs? what about health insurance....dental insurance...car insurance? what it basically boils down to is the classic scenario where you have "kid" confronting "parent" about "money". and you know what the shittiest part of all this is?
tax day: april 15th.
and you wonder why i'm freaking out.
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