Monday, May 3, 2010

case of the mondays

it was written on everybody's face this morning, "i don't want to be here. i want to be in bed."

but you suck it up. you roll silverware. you polish wine glasses. you run to the kitchen for some extra parmesan cheese, and you smile and say "take care" to the table of asian americans who just tipped you very poorly. sorry, it's the truth. political correctness does not exist within the food industry (nor in this blog).

unfortunately for me, i have about thirty minutes before i have to go back and work the dinner shift. you know what's bizarre about serving? we are there to make money--we want to make money--yet we still start off each shift being apprehensive towards our customers. we hate the first table we get and the last table we get. always works out that way, because the first table that gets sat in our section marks the official start of our workday and the last table we are sat marks the bastards who we just want to pay and leave so we can get out of there. very strange, but very true.

word of advice: you don't want to be the last customers who sneak in before the restaurant closes for the night. everyone hates you.

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