a large coffee is just 1.25 (plus tax) at caribou today. i mention them so frequently i feel like they should start paying me.
last night i booked my trip to california for the wedding that i will be partaking in. really excited to see family and all my high school friends, but at the same time wishing i didn't have to take a full week off of work. can't have it both ways (as the saying goes).
can i say something about tailors? i took my bridesmaid dress to this tailor shop at the mall yesterday and i have to say that things could've gone more smoothly. i don't think it is wise to be a tailor who does not speak english very well because you may get a customer (me) who starts throwing out the terms "boning" and "padding" while motioning to her breasts. that could create some shortness of breadth if the confused tailor gravitates his hands dangerously close to the customer's (me) bust area. and that's exactly what happened, which prompted me to suggest that he fetch another tailor. luckily, the next guy was accustomed to the terminology and we had no more hand on breast issues. i mean, in all honesty, it's been a while...but the day i bring a dress to the tailor shop for anything other than a few tugs and pins will never come.
if anyone else has a good tailor story i'd love to hear it.
If this story is any indication I would make a terrible tailor.
or perhaps i should give you an application to fill out for this one. if i remember correctly, you speak broken english anyway.