hello people,
i'm relaxing at the caribou coffee shop in downtown chapel hill-just killing time before i report back to work. luckily the place isn't bursting at the seams with students like it often is at this time of day. when that happened the other week i didn't know what to do with myself, especially since starbucks was just as packed. i ended up at the unc planetarium.
i think that the most exciting thing that is going to happen to me today happened about thirty minutes ago when the barista handed me my house coffee...in a newly-designed to-go cup. i'm the kind of girl who gets excited about these things. as a matter of fact, i secretly want to be the person behind the next to-go cup to hit coffee houses around the country. anyhow, this particular cup is covered in "handwritten" phrases. it's telling me to make time for silly. compliment a stranger. enter a pie eating contest. become a bee keeper. and to "smile first and ask questions later," among other things. i could probably apply that last one to waitressing. but i will not be adopting an animal any time soon.
i pretty much know how the rest of my day will go...i'll roll back into work mentally prepared to make about fifty dollars but hoping for more. i'll have my share of carefree customers and uptight ones and try not to let any of them get the best of me. i'll silently curse when a table of eight decides that they want eight separate checks and then add, "by the way, we're really in a hurry". when i'm cut by the manager, i'll finish my duties and walk out of the joint a little heavier than when i entered (from the cold hard cash, not the dinner rolls). then i'll drive on home to find my parents watching television on the couch and mumbling something to me about what they had for dinner. they'll ask me a few questions--for which i'll respond with as few words as possible--then comment on my shortness and reluctance to engage in conversation. depending on how that interaction pans out i'll either find a seat beside them or retire to my room upstairs.
curtain close.
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