were the first words that came out of my mom's mouth as i walked through the front door this morning after having been gone the past three days. i was competing in a tournament in siesta key, florida over the weekend with my volleyball buddies. we made the 12-hour trek on friday morning and then again on sunday afternoon. all this traveling lately has really raised my road trip savviness. for instance, when ordering a milkshake past ten 0'clock, the drive-thru person will 9 out of 10 times lie to you that they ran out of ice cream (the truth being that they've just cleaned the machine early and want to avoid dirtying it up again by making you your milkshake). if this happens, proceed to the fast-food restaurant across the street and try your luck there.

all this traveling has also had a small but noticeable impact on my relationship with my mom. within thirty minutes of being home i got the "we need to make time to spend time with one another" from her. my absence from the house--due to playing volleyball and working--reduces our face-to-face time, which drastically reduces the chances of us getting into a tiff. this is not a revelation by any means. weeks ago i told her flat out that our relationship would not improve until i was no longer living here. she was taken back by my candidness but i made it clear that i had accepted this fact and that she mine as well accept it too. no need to sugarcoat it: distance is the only thing that will bring us closer again. that i am sure of. i'll shed more light on this later...for now, i've really got to get some shut-eye because four hours of sleep on a couch just doesn't do it for me.
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