Wednesday, June 9, 2010

life's tough, get a helmet

how am i?

i'm not letting the fact that i didn't land that job i really wanted get to me. the managers "really loved me" but needed me to work over the weekends--which would pretty much kill my volleyball career. not a good fit. i was so close to that warm and fuzzy job security feeling, but once again, i find myself printing my resume off and re-writing my driver's license number on applications. but i'm not letting it get to me...last night, after receiving the disappointing news, i cracked open a beer and let myself be distracted by stephen strasburg's exceptional pitching arm. then i completed my dinner with too much kettle corn, the last of my deli-meat, and a couple spoonfuls of stouffer's stuffing that my roommate had prepared (what he doesn't know won't hurt him). i'm thinking that my diet really suffers when i try to not let things get to me...

...but can i just let it get to me for one second?! DAMNIT DAMNIT DAMNIT!!! alright, i'm better now, probably because in my hand is an application for this quaint cafe that is looking to hire. the manager i met with said i could come by tomorrow and drop off my resume. that is a glimmer of hope, my friends, and i have to allow myself to hope for good things to come because lately this lifestyle has been overwhelming. both the volleyball aspect and the financial aspect have not been up to my standards. i just tell myself that this is the time where i have to keep my head up and push through--however painful and hopeless it may seem--because a sunnier forecast is just around the corner. can't drag my feet. can't feel sorry for myself. can't go another day without purchasing a loofa.

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