just got off the phone with the hiring manager at that cafe i was telling you about. he had told me last thursday (and again on friday when i called to re-iterate my burning desire to work for him) that he would call on saturday (two days ago). no word. so i held out for sunday. no word. then monday morning rears its ugly head. still nothing. so i decide to be pro-active and follow-up on my own, and what comes of it? i learn that yes, i can go ahead and attend the one hour new employee orientation and yes, i need to come in and fill out the paperwork before doing so. he never offers me the job--as one might expect--but rather casually mentions that i can work there.
seriously, what is up with management in this town?? this guy never called when he said he would...all three managers who interviewed me for that retail job didn't bother to call me back when they said they would...and the first restaurant i applied at never set up a time for an interview. is everyone just living under a different time zone than i am? are everybody's correspondence skills and sense of decency plain horse shit or am i the one with the problem?
at least i have one place in this town where i feel warm and accepted. the coffee bean & tea leaf on manhattan ave. the barista and i know eachother on a first-name basis. he gave me free coffee filters and one of those tiny spoons when i purchased my first pound of grounds. and there is always a seat for me. always. so even though i am broke and could definitely use all the change i can get my hands on for laundry, i dropped those fifty-five cents right in the tip jar. now i'm down four dollars and it isn't even eleven yet. luckily, this thursday marks the start of a new month of living here--which means nothing to you but two hundred dollars for me. you see, each month i receive two hundred dollars ($50/week) from my parents to help cover grocery expenses. and let me tell you, $50 per week couldn't feed a street cat.

okay, i exaggerate. but it's been a long time since i have used coupons. cut them out? yes, that's just plain fun! but actually using them? yah, i'm that girl. i'm also that girl who budgets her food expenses by writing out exactly what she needs in one column and how much that will cost in the other. just covering basic and highly necessary foods (bread, eggs, milk, yogurt, meat, etc.) puts we well at fifty dollars, which means that going out to eat means cutting into my savings, and i can kiss making anything special goodbye. french toast? forget about it...that requires buying a loaf of sourdough. homemade chocolate chip cookies? keep dreaming. that said, if you wish to donate any of the following items:
baking soda
baking powder
vanilla extract
chocolate chips
wax paper
a coupon for any of the above
please contact me directly.
yours truly,
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