fear of sounding like i'm trying too hard
mentally over the whole blog format and searching for a new platform
wondering if i'm just wasting my time and energy, if anyone is benefitting from this
more motivated to focus on writing a book
pure laziness
it is most likely a combination of all of these things/reasons/excuses. call it what you want to call it. fact of the matter is that something is inhibiting the thoughts in my head from coming to life on the keyboard, and that is like a death sentence to a writer.
so, i have resolved to the following solution: if i can't write words, i will read them. lots of them. from glenn beck's common sense to katie crouch's girls in trucks, the stack of words is grinning at me from across the table. "pick me! pick me!" they are chanting. "i will help you get your voice back." i reason that reading the work of other writers will help me develop and fine-tune my own writing style and push me in the direction that i need to be going. if the winningest coach in college sports history, a couple of experts on late bloomers, or a girl with a dragon tattoo can't help me, i don't know what will.
oh yes, and thank you public library.
I can save you the hassle of reading Glenn Beck:
ReplyDelete"Be very afraid. Democrats are evil and want to eat your babies."
Much more concise, that.
thankfully--for my own sanity--i keep politics out of this blog.