Wednesday, October 13, 2010

punk out

eleven. how did i allow that many days to come between my last post and this one? well, i can explain why i let a few days go by...because i was waiting on friends (like you) to reply to the message i had sent out regarding the can't-get-enough-of monster that is facebook and the latest article i posted under my boomeranger links. you see, i have pent-up emotion when it comes to people who feel it is their godsend to promote themselves via their facebook status, but to my disappointment, you people don't seem to care. this was the first time that i decided to send out a mass message inquiring for feedback before writing upon the subject. and what came of it? not one single, lousy response. maybe you didn't have two minutes to spare. maybe you really dislike sharing your feelings. or maybe you just didn't give a flying fuck. whatever the reason, at least i proved the diffusion of responsibility, a social phenomenon that you should've learned in your intro to psychology course. and now i'm too stubborn to share any of my mind-blowing thoughts concerning how your friends on facebook can make you feel like utter shit about your twenty-something existence. you punk out, i punk out.

at least for now.

but that only explains a few days. where have i been? a mansion in beverley hills. the public library. a movie theater. a beach house occupied by a grown man and his mother. all places i would like to expand upon but don't have the time to do so.

at least for now.

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