it is a an extremely dangerous thing to go to work hungover when you are a waitress because every stressor is amplified. every request from a customer that much more annoying. and you end up consuming a lot of bread that you didn't need. on a normal day, i probably wouldn't have been so royally pissed off when the only thing between me and freedom was a broom which was already being used to sweep the entire kitchen. on a normal day, i most likely wouldn't have wanted to slap the co-worker who scolded how i executed possibly the most vital component of any successful enterprise: marrying the jams. if you're unfamiliar with restaurant jargon, "marrying" of anything--usually condiments---just means combining the contents of two (or more) less than full containers to make one full container. i know...heavy stuff.
but i haven't even told you the most dangerous part of being a hungover server: the urge to quit is too strong. too strong because you can't afford to quit and you need this job to survive. your head grows enormous with thoughts like, "i went to college for four years so i could clean up after people's messes?" stop it! STOP IT! you can't quit. everything will be better when you don't feel like a truck ran into your face. everything will be better tomorrow, you'll see...
in case you were wondering, that chick carrying the beverages is me.
Working at a preschool this past year has taught me a lot and one of those lessons is do not come hung over to work! I have been guilty of this act about 5 or 6 or 7 times this year... When I have three to four to five year olds screaming in my ear all day and begging me to do art projects with them all day all I want to do is crawl back and bed or throw up in a toilet. That is when I think to myself "Why did I do this? Why?" Every time I do it I say "that is the LAST time I am ever going to do that. " But then that statement becomes a lie. I want to think that my body and mind are in-sync with each other, but I guess that is not the case when it comes to partying and having a good time. My mind def. has the upper hand in this situation and my body has the deal with the consequences later. When does torturing your body stop? The main lesson of all of this: Don't come hungover to work- LEARN!