i love my new mac.

no poetic, eloquent prose needed.
i love my new mac.
now i am finally free to tuck my computer under my arm and bring her anywhere--without the constant dependency on the always-present extension cord. the bitter battle between me and my old pc is over. wow. so this is what having a laptop is supposed to feel like! i forgot how convenient this is...i can actually go to my favorite coffee shop and sit more than an arm's length away from the nearest wall! incredible. what's also incredible is the feeling of wanting something so badly then finally earning it through months of patience and stuffing pastries into a box (referencing my previous job here folks).
and how, you may be wondering, was i able to finance my brand new computer, considering the string of rejection letters i received from various credit card agencies? well, i happened to receive an offer from a very small, privately-owned money-lender...who also happens to be my sister :)
a payment plan has been set in motion and the first check is on its way to san francisco as i write this sentence. please don't inquire about obtaining a loan for yourself...this is strictly a family operation.
mac daddy
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