Sunday, February 28, 2010
twilight tournament
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
must love earmarking
made a list of all my expenses i will have to cover in the coming month. this includes everything i know i will be spending money on, like paying off my new computer, competing in florida for two back-two-back weekends, and other necessary costs. all other continuous yet “minor” expenses (gas, miscellaneous food and drinks) are left off the list so that i can just focus on the big boys. my aim is to be able to cover all the big boys a month in advance using just the money i make from waitressing. i’m trying not to dip my hands into the bank here, which i think is a pretty attainable goal if i continue to meet my weekly tip average. and, if i can cover the big expenses, my reasoning follows that i can afford to indulge in some of the smaller expenses, like six-packs of blue moon and taking the occasional lap inside anthropologie. gee, being fiscally responsible is fun.
what can i say, i love to earmark! i’m embarrassed to admit it rivals the pleasure i get from grocery shopping. (am i still dateable at this point?)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
sunshine is cheaper than maryjane
Thursday, February 18, 2010
"mac daddy" sounds so much better than "mac mommy"
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
40 days and 40 nights
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
i know i parked it right here...
Saturday, February 13, 2010
yep, you're looking at a red, two-door race car...fresh off the assembly line at, err... the cheerios factory. i saw a sense of pride in my dad's eyes as he told me how he applied all the various stickers to the car's exterior (and done so perfectly, i must add, after closer examination of the vehicle). then he kneeled down on the floor and gave his prize jewel the good 'ol "reverse, pull, and release" (you know what i'm talking about). i was not impressed. but i now understand why the geniuses up in marketing keep putting cars in cereal boxes.
Friday, February 12, 2010
and then i took their drink order.
and then i remembered that i was in a restaurant and not in another man's sweet embrace.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
some plastic would make me so happy
honestly, these words don't sting like they did the first time. that first time was over three months ago when i decided to try applying for credit cards in order to replace my quickly decaying laptop. and i say "decaying" because that is the best way to describe the sorry piece of shit that has tested my patience and sanity well into the new year. for starters, i haven't been able to use it unless i'm within four feet of the nearest wall so that it can be plugged in. but on top of the battery being shot, now the power cord has decided to die, so i'm wresting with the costs/benefits of ordering a new one. and, as you might expect with a computer nearing its four and a half year-old birthday mark, it is painfully slow. truthfully, i don't want to put any more money into this waste of space, hence the reason why i re-visited the whole "applying for a credit card" process. and what has that brought me?

here's what it boils down to: the only way i will be approved for a credit card is by agreeing to have a co-signer...someone who will be the second card-holder...someone whose financial merit can be verified by their own established credit score. and who do you think that will be?any guesses?
looks like i have to travel down the road of co-dependence in order to gain my independence...definitely NOT an un-familiar path to the boomeranger.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
you always remember your first
today marks the day of my first official waitressing shift (applause). the thing i was most nervous about was memorizing and reading the specials, but that came more naturally to me then i thought it would. i just have to get used to the fact that some people will tip me 8% while others will tip me 22% no matter what i do. well, that isn't entirely true. i'm sure that if i set their sweet tea down and proceed to help myself to the first sip that might lessen my chances of cashing in big. but don't worry, i'll never succumb to such an act. we servers are very skilled at concealing our frustrations on the floor, then letting them spill out as we cross the threshold separating the "restaurant" from the "steam zone". oh, no one actually calls it that...i just figure it's a befitting name for such a space. a space where we can congregate and let off steam. get it? good.
now hear me out: i realize i'm just a newborn compared to my more experienced, more knowledgeable co-workers when it comes to the restaurant business. seems like coach just put me in the game during the 2nd half with 7 minutes left on the clock while they have all been on the floor since tip-off. i have much to learn. but that also means that, without sounding too dramatic, i've hit a unique, once in a lifetime marker where everything i experience on the job is for the first time and with fresh eyes. like a "first kiss", this is my last true "first shift". that being said, i anticipate many, many waitressing-related stories making it onto this blog in the future. like this one, from earlier today, around 11:45 a.m. in walk a couple. in comes a nod from the hostess. in goes the oxygen into my mouth as i take a breath, gather my nerves, and walk over to greet my very first customers. in comes the buzz-kill as they decide to get up and leave in search of a restaurant that can better satisfy their breakfast food-craving palette. in fires the jeers from my fellow servers. always remember your first!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
spring has sprung
anyhow, i am very proud of the leadership and camaraderie present at my current job, which makes coming into work that much more rewarding. i have one more test left to complete before i can start picking up shifts--after that i'll be scheduled just like the veterans are. those damn veterans...they always find something wrong with the way my tie is tied. when a certain bartender is working i'll go straight to him before he has a chance to seek me out and assess the dimples of my tie. really, i don't mind the attention because i know they are just looking out for me (and want me to look my best), but i need to take a crash course in the art of tie-tying. i also need to grab a hold of my new fetish with ties in, cotton, dots, name it, i want it! not only was i charting in unfamiliar territory by being up past midnight last night, but i was also perusing the men's section of j.crew's online catalog. three weeks ago you would not have found me desiring a couple thin feet of fabric over a piece of jewelry or article of clothing.

though the first official day of spring is still over a month away, i feel like i am going through a rejuvenation period of my own. i am extremely focused on three things: working, training for volleyball, and dedicating time to this blog (sorry, social-life). when faced with an impulse decision, like wanting to get a french manicure, i try to ask myself whether the outcome will benefit at least one of these. now i could feasibly weasel my way into convincing myself that well-pedicured hands will improve my physical appearance on the job, thus enhancing customer service and earning me more tips...but no, the sensible thing to do would be to either paint my own nails or wait until a fat cat drops a fifty at one of my tables in the future. so for now, i will just have to live with the "sand in my suit" o.p.i. nail polish on my hands...though i know that within two days i will most definitely revert to my go-to "cha-ching cherry".