could NOT have wanted to leave work faster than i did this afternoon...the incessant sexual banter was really getting to me today. does the humor of my co-workers really not surpass that of a horny fifteen year-old? don't get me wrong, i've said more than enough of "that's what she said" in my day, but my wit isn't limited to making plain english sound like the dialogue between a couple porno stars. unfortunately, i have to listen to dumb-ass comments day in and day out at my job. almost anything that comes out of my (0r anyone else's) mouth can be construed into something sexual and perverted, making it difficult to even speak. i don't have the desire to get into a discussion of gender in the workplace, but this narrow, relentless sense of humor leaves us females with two options: smile at the joke and let out a chuckle or ignore it and be told to loosen up (more accurately, to "tranquila"). how bout i smack you in the face instead?
thankfully, i only have three more days left until i am officially an ex-employee. it's funny because my temperament since i gave my two-weeks-notice ebbs and flows between being overly happy knowing that the end is near and being overly miserable by the fact that i still have to go through the motions. wish i could just make up my mind.

let's leave work and go home for a second because i have an important question to ask: if the living room has a television in it, does that room become the television room? confused? yah, me too. the current on-going debate between my parents right now is whether the living room, which holds our large, hd television, is in fact the television room. an argument inevitably erupts when my dad is watching t.v. and my mom either wants him to lower the volume or turn it off completely. dad seems to think that she should leave because it is the
television room. mom seems to think that she should take precedence because the room is, after all, the
living room. do we need to seek out an architect or interior designer for the answer? and if we can agree on which segment of the house is the living room, then where the hell is the family room??
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