Wednesday, December 16, 2009

a white whine

as i was reading these words from my monday post...

"back to the reason why the past twelve days have been family is in the final stages of moving into our brand new home."

...i couldn't help but think to myself, did i just commit perhaps the largest white whine ever? if you are not familiar with the term i just dropped, a "white whine" is
a complaint made by an overprivileged white person, most commonly an american.

i mean, let's review for a second what i was saying on monday: basically that it has been really rough on my family, ya know, this whole moving into a brand new house in a gated community and all. cry me a river is what i think most people would say to that. could be on par with comments like:

"why do the cleaning ladies always have to be here the mornings i can sleep innnn?"

and certainly:

"i hate that fiji water is square-shaped. it won’t fit in my cup holder."

(both courtesy of

white whines will usually slip-out uncontested, unless of course you have a sister like mine who will point them out to you. we laugh about it, and then we move on. it's like a brief moment in our lives when we can pause, reflect, and be thankful for how good we really have it. i had to wake up at 4:20 a.m. this morning to be at work from 5:00 a.m. until 1:30 p.m...but after that i drove straight home and buried myself underneath my covers...caught in that moment between a shiver and being the warmest thing in the world.

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