i literally go to bed these days because i have nothing better to do. just a moment ago i was sprawled out on my parent's bed when i heard the creepy woman from the computer say in her monotone voice, "it's 9 o'clock". i thought to myself, should i just go to bed? i'm in my pajamas, i'm bored, and the computer just talked to me. but then i hear the voices of my fellow 22 year-old's of the world screaming, "are you crazy? the night is still young!"
it makes me miss my college days... the sense of sharing at least one wall with another person and knowing that if i knocked on that wall, i'd probably hear a knock back. after graduation, i went from being one of five roommates to being one of three people who could still get away with wearing a short skirt (sorry mom). the individuals whom i have had considerable interaction with this summer are twice my age. most of them are married with children and mortgages and (gasp) careers. we are all connected through our passion for volleyball, and the valuable lesson i have learned is that as you grow older, age becomes less important. i've been able to relate to people i never thought possible; however, i'm not ready to take on this older generation full-time.
what i crave is an apartment full of twenty-somethings, eager to contemplate the questions they do not know the answers to. an apartment full of twenty-somethings who have to make their presence known when they walk through the front door, who never know what they are having for dinner because a part of them still expects that someone else will be doing the cooking, and who make it a nighttime ritual of making fun of one another. god i miss ridiculing my roommates...sometimes the laughter was so contagious i thought i could live and die in that apartment. i can't recall a single night when i went to bed bored.
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